Wallwisher.com is an excellent way to communicate with your students about hot topics or even to learn about your classroom. Wallwisher.com is great for those students who would otherwise not be open to talking in class. Take your kids to the computer lab one day and have a class discussion on the website. All the talking should be done online.
So how does it work?
- First you need to create an account. Really simple. Email address, password, and a nickname.
- Click on "Build a Wall"
- Choose your background color
- Choose your Title and Subtitle
- Choose the URL for your wall
- I suggest that you check approve messages to be safe.
- Share the URL with your students and monitor the discussion.
- Brainstorm ideas for a project
- Create a themed wall and embed videos for students to watch and comment on.
- Create a Story and have students put their own twist
- Have a discussion about hot topics and gets students thoughts
- Submit questions for a guest speaker
- A Current Events Wall
- Have students research a topic and post a link to an article that supports their views on that topic
- Have students organize topics into groups that you pre-posted and have them print the screen to show you their completed assignment
- Students could each submit a Word Problem and give other students a chance to solve them. Just put in a # in the name of the problem and then the students name and the # they are answering in the response
- Find out background knowledge by posting a topic and have students answer what they already know.
- Assess your own class - have them tell you what they liked and disliked in your class
- Create an area for kids to ask questions about assignments
Click on the image below
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