Most Popular for Bookmarking: delicious

- Delicious is probably one of the best available on the web. It makes the most sense, its toolbar is effective and simple, and joining other networks to see their bookmarks making searching great websites easier. If you want the easiest to use, I suggest Delicious.
Best View of Bookmarks - LiveBinders
- Why do I like Livebinders? Because its organizational features are great, and you get a preview of the websites that you add to your "binders." The toolbar is simple, although it takes longer to add as a bookmark, but that is expected because it is registering what the site looks like. You can create Main Folders and Sub Folders making the organization of your bookmarks simple and effective. The toolbar is also simple and effective, but it also does not require is just a link added to your toolbar options.
Most Features for Bookmarks: Diigo
- Okay, so I downloaded Diigo. Tried it and removed it. Why? Because it was more then I needed. Not because I didn't like it, but it had extra features that I would not use, therefore making navigation and bookmarking more difficult. But, if you are someone who likes something with a lot of options...then Diigo is for you. First off, it does not just bookmark sites, but you can bookmark a site and then highlight certain areas. You can also add sticky notes and annotations. Great features, just not what I was looking for.
Best Name for Bookmarking: StumbleUpon
- I like the name idea. Websites you "stumbled upon" On this site you can search websites based on categories. It will then take you to websites in those categories. If you join the sites, then you can create your own account of websites that you have stumbled upon and were useful to you. So in a way, adding sites you visits will create sites for other visitors to stumble upon. No searching, just websites that might be of interest to you. Just try might find something you like.
Most Newsworthy for Bookmarking - Digg
- Why do I like Digg? It focuses is on the latest News, Images, and Video. So if you are someone who likes to track news and save news events, than Digg is for you. It also gives you a place to save and store those images that you find on the web, without saving them on your computer and taking up memory. Same for videos. You can also create categories, making finding what you are looking for a lot easier.
Most Unoriginal Name for Bookmarking: Faves
- How is it different from the is not. Same premise as Delicious and Diigo...just a name that makes it easy to know what it is for. You get a toolbar, you get to create a network and share your favorite bookmarks. Simplistic...just another option.
Are there others? Sure
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